Tuesday, August 09, 2005

We know, don't we?

Something is up. You're thinking along certain lines or entertaining possible decisions. In your mind, you can think it through, give reasons or non reasons...make it all seem perfectly okie. Yet at the end of the day, when you're chatting away with your friends, you realize... you can't tell anyone. You shouldn't be embarassed right? No... You tell yourself that they won't understand... but deep inside you know that they understand just as much as you do... and they're gonna tell you exactly what you've been trying not to tell yourself. Being repremanded just adds further guilt. Hearing from others will make it suddenly real... but you don't wanna make it real... It's still in your head. Such convenient denial... convenient silence...Maybe it'll all go away... flow into time... become nothing...

We know, don't we? The difference between right and wrong...


aka_lol said...

Why do the things, which are bad for us feel so good? The assumptions here would be "good" and "bad." It's difficult to be objective, and even logical about our lives so we leave that for others to figure out, then we ignore them :)

If you take the passion away from life then what fun is it? The trick, or secret is to have the right amount of passion, and logic in order to have a life worth living. Guilt is what keeps us in check and it's instinctive. Right and wrong is never absolute and what "right" are the things which we can live with. The "wrong" keeps us up all night and can sometimes cause us to blog :))

I think I just said what you said in your blog :)

Tunks said...

Wow...good words aka. Thanks. I agree with no absoloute right and wrong... but instinct surely does its things.

Anonymous said...

stopping to listen is sometimes what we fear the most tunks. u were right

Caribbean Dream said...

Ahh Yes babe, WE definitely know! :) I love this entry because it relates to almost everyone at least at one particular point in their lives. Sometimes it's better not to hear the truth from someone else, but rather know it in our minds and formulate our own perseptions and understandings of it in order to cover up its true meaning. I know Both of us can definitely relate to this babe.

Tunks said...

My gosh babe.... u of all ppl know all to well.