Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My body wants to be what it is

Wow... my insides have never felt more baby making feelings than they have been over the last 24 hours!
('least not for a long time)
The human race will forever live on, and it's our fault
As equally as it's mine


DeadEyes-_- said...

Ah ha! A lot of women go through that actually! My cousin once told me she had those feelings really badly for a while right at the end of her twenties. And then her bf chimed in saying, Oh Yeah, I remember those times. So I think, you're probably going to jump a dude, OR by like my lecturer and buy baby clothes. Lol, all in all, it's normal ^^ Share your experience though!

Tunks said...

I think I'll quicker jump someone than buy baby clothes! :p
Maybe the clothes buying might happen when I reach the end of my 20's... I have real time.
But my body wants tings! It's crazy. It's craving. & it's also specific! O_O

DeadEyes-_- said...

Huh, specific means it should be easy to satisfy.. lol

Tunks said...

Lol easy to identify... harder to satisfy :p

kingofsorrow said...

wow! i'm......i'm.....i''ll get back to you.........

DeadEyes-_- said...

LOL, pricelesssss :D

Tunks said...

AhahahahahahahhAHAHahahHAHa... oh man u so crack me up KOS! :p