Thursday, October 21, 2010

The distraction

Hmmmm... let's see. In about 12 hours from now I would have started my pre-medication to keep me from 'having a reaction' *cross fingers* it works! I have a feeling it'll all be ok :)

Rituximab Infusion part 2 - Here I come!

Tonight is all about distraction. No other reason I would actually find myself 'online' on FB chat. I realised that after the fact though... What else do I notice?

I am shaking my leg constantly... like when I was back in school writing an exam.... I would become aware of it and stop, then sooner than later, it'll start back again

I just bit off my nail... the second one for tonight

I am biting my lip

Yupp... I am nervous. Wow, hell, anyone could have asked me this and there was no way my answer was going to be in the affirmative. I have to stop, step back and observe myself before I can notice and acknowledge it...

Wow I can't believe I'm actually nervous. I am. It will all be ok!


DeadEyes-_- said...

Lol, I know right, I never have myself online, someone I not feeling talking to might be there -_-

Anonymous said...

Call it an intelligent gut feeling but I am sure you will be ok :)