Friday, November 03, 2006

Would you eat your unborn?

Lemme start by saying that there's a slight possibility you may find the following a bit disturbing... I know I sure did.

As I lay on bed last night, trying my best to fall asleep, the most absurd string of thoughts came into my mind.

'Hams or Egg's' - According the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy. You can either be the Ham or the Egg, the Pig or the Chicken.

The Egg is layed by a chicken...the egg is indeed a chicken waiting to be born. And we, human beings, take those eggs that a chicken laboured to produce, we take those babies, crack open their shell and EAT THEM! We actually eat the offspring of another animal...just like that! When I thought about, I couldn't help but turn the senario around. What would it be like if some creature out there was to extract the womb of a pregnant woman, tear it open and eat everything inside. Throw in the featus, amniotic fluid and ofcourse the placenta, into a pot with onions, salt and blackpepper, flip it over to make sure it's cooked on both sides and offer it up on a plate to be eaten. It's simple evoloution for you to see. In seeing that image in your mind, how can someone actually eat eggs?

Sigh...I donno. The strangest things come to my mind around 3am when I can't sleep


Anonymous said... of your more...err...interesting posts. Kinda makes me think, since I just came back from watching saw III if there's a little bit of Jigsaw in you...

Anonymous said...

thas why u a vegetarian and we meat eaters arent

Tunks said...

Oh Jason... lol... a comparison with Jigsaw! I donno if to take it as a compliment or not :p
I still gotta see SAW III. Thanks for reading tho...hope it got you thinking.

Tunks said...

thas why u a vegetarian and we meat eaters arent

I guess. It surely isn't why I turned's prolly why I Remain vegetarian!:S

Thanks for the comment Anon.

Anonymous said...


'chicken periods' is what they eat.

everyone ought to stop this murder and torture to animals and their unborn;

and only then can the term 'human' can be used to describe oneself.

Anonymous said...

and they taste good too, especially in kfc

Tunks said...

^^ hahaha

Ok well I can't debate dat one :p

Anonymous said...

Heck, if it tastes good we'd all eat it wouldn't we?