Hearing from others will make it suddenly real... but you don't wanna make it real... It's still in your head. Such convenient denial... convenient silence...Maybe it'll all go away... flow into time... become nothing...We know, don't we? The difference between right and wrong...
It doesn't go away. The things I actively try to supress just proves to me that I'm defeating the purpose. If you try to make something go away, if you try to keep it quiet and hope it amounts to nothing...it is then that you know that it's real. In knowing this, for once, the cloud of confusing and dissonance vanishes and I feel okie. In telling others of this reality, in confessing - it doesn't always mean we need help or advice, approval or dissaproval... we just need acceptance. Not for someone to accept your decisions or feelings as being right, but for that person to accept you, and walk with you in peace, even if they disagree.
But most importantly, I need to be at peace, no matter if its wrong or right...I will give myself the option to choose, and it's in knowing I have a choice, that I smile once again.
wow. this makes sense. Peace is the ultimate goal
If you try to make something go away, if you try to keep it quiet and hope it amounts to nothing...it is then that you know that it's real.
It is only our mind which can make things real. Life is like soup, we need just the right amount of salt to bring out the flavor. Too little, and it will be bland. Too much and we only taste the salt. A situation in life is like the soup, and our thoughts on the matter are like the salt. We need to all become good cooks in order to be happy with our soup. We can also hire a chef or eat out.
I will give myself the option to choose, and it's in knowing I have a choice, that I smile once again.
Even in the vilest Communist states they cannot take away from the mind the ability to choose or to think, except by using cruel methods of torture such as listening to Britney Spears greatest hits repeatedly for hours. Our happiness is all about choice and controlling our attitude. The hardest habit to break is a good attitude. A good attitude is one which leaves us hopeful and content. It doesn’t create guilt, hate or poor listening habits. We are what we think and let’s fill our minds with movies and books with happy endings :)
Yes indeed...peace IS the ultimate goal.
Thanks for your input aka... you speak much sense! And in the wake of my soup craving, that sense hits even harder :p
Once u know the truth, the good, the right...its hard to change that attitude.
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