Thursday, January 27, 2005

The simplicity of a complicated mind

Another wonderful day on campus.

People frantically walking around looking somewhat halfheartedly for classes which somehow never coincides with its theoretical location...It seems to me the longer the search, the easier the tendancy to slip into a warped sense of denial of the importance of attending these classes in the first place. The human mind is most amazing considering the ease to which our own fundamental views and values can be twisted, blurred and downright manipulated to validate the decision of any passing action or thought, that upon reflection, gets swept away with yet another passing moment in time... never consciously noted but almost always that sort after instigator for future trials and burdens.

We often stop and wonder... regret. Yet we never indulge any form of masochism to face the truth ... and that is, we have been, still are and always will be the the most active player in any game we find ourselves in...rather, any game we design and build around us.

I sit here in a private office, smack down in the middle of the Southern environs I've always held dear to feelings of comfort and farmiliarity. In a few hours from now, I will be back on our lovely campus, sitting like a lump of semipermiable substance, carrying on with my selective memory and intellectual stimulation.

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