Sunday, January 02, 2011

2011 has met me half way :)

2009 going into 2010 I set it in my mind that according to my own timing, the following year in Tunks world is gonna consist of 2 years in the Gregorian calender. So this, the beginning of 2011... is but my half way point! 

There is much I can say now about the 1st half of this journey I'm on but I think I will revisit it later. 

For now, just for good measure, I would like to reflect on an entry I shared exactly 4 years ago; the basic sentiments of which I believe still stands:

The clock striked 12...It officially brought in the New Year 2007. It’s amazing that just a concept of numbers, time and expectation of ramifications of the latter, could bring about such a sudden and drastic change in mentality and moods world wide!
Considering the lawlessness and undercurrent of panic that seeps into every family, in every home and into everyone's heart...maybe we need more than 1 declared 'new year' per year. Let's make it a new year every month, or even better, let’s delight in positivity and hopefulness each and every morning! Why not celebrate the rising of the sun every day? Obviously we're not going to drink 'till we can't remember our names and create fog in a Caribbean island with countless Fireworks going off every night...but we can carry that feeling within us, every day. Awake with our daily resolutions, the joy of a new beginning or the improvement of a current endeavor. Out with the pain and regret and grudges... and in with the pure essence of love, happiness and overall peace of mind, in our homes, communities, societies, countries and in the world throughout!
Happy New Day!


DeadEyes-_- said...

SO I had to look up Gregorian Calendar, but I gave up because I couldn't understand :(

Lol, I love how you "recycled" the New Year wish, it's a sweet one And what's even more precious is how you haven't changed this mindset of how a new year makes you feel.

Happy New Year! I'm ready to continue reading your awesome blog :)

Tunks said...

Awwww... I think it's just what we also call the Christian calender, i.e. 12 months a year etc etc

Hope u having a better 2011 than expected thus far :) thanks for being such an awesome blogger & reader