Monday, April 03, 2006

Yes, I'm actually angry

How can people be so utterly inconsiderate and live with themselves?
I called Mt. Hope's Immunology Department to make an appointment to which I already had a referral. In all my life I've never had a receptionist speak to me like that...not just me, but my father also. I was so incredibly upset and bordering on angry at this woman's stuck record and absolute refusal to say anything but 'bring in your referral and make an appointment' (in a very rude and condescending tone) I couldn't get a ****ing word in. Maybe if she would shut the **** up and listen I would have been able to ask if patience with mobility problems will be able to access the doctors office easily of if I should bring a ****ing wheelchair! By the time she hung up on me (yes she ****ing hung up on me!,) I just broke into tears feeling utterly frustrated and humiliated like a kid being scolded by a teacher infront the entire class.

I'm so angry and hurt right now. I can't remember the last time anyone spoke to me like that. Not many people can tick me off like that... Kudos to her! ****ing biatch!


aka_lol said...
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aka_lol said...

I can't make any excuses for insensitive people and that incident just goes to prove that the I-couldn't care-less attitude is not only a government thing. The problem with insensitive people is not that they don't care but they experience a certain degree of happiness when they make someone else unhappy. The bright side to this is that the Universe has a way of dealing with people who exist at this level of lowness. I wouldn't give people like this much thought but I can't help worry about how much destruction this person is leaving behind.

Sirius said...

What you have described is a classic case of someone who should under no circumstance be in a position of customer service.

The scary part is if that is how this individual deals with a stranger she is being paid to deal with, how does she deal with her friends and family? I would pity them.

Tunks said...

Thanks for the comments aka & Sirius.

I tried to give the lady the benefit of the doubt eventually, saying probably she had a bad day, or maybe I was just too emotional....and then I stopped myself in my tracks. Why was I doing that? It was clear that I'm just trying to do the Kind Godly thing ... when it was more than obvious that I don't need to justify this. She really WAS rude. Having a position of sounded like what she told me was well rehersed and well used.

I've been to countless doc. appointments in the past 7 yrs...prolly in the hundreds. But that was a 1st! (and hopefully a last)

PS: For my emrgency allergic reaction I have now in March/April.....I got the appointment for August.

Nice huh.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tunks,

Positive things first.

I remember attending a course in which we were trained to handle the most difficult type of customers who swear at the managers. We were trained on 2 aspects. One was to "reject" them from our mind once the conversation is over, so that we treat the next customer as if he is the first one.

The next was a technique called " to get a NO". In this we were required to ask sth impossible to someone. The objective is get a NO from the third party and still we should remain calm and indifferent. So we would go and ask a bystander " can I have your pen sir?" If we get a NO, we achieved our objective.

Later in my career I found that it came handy when I met with bull dog type managers.

Tunks, I hope you are able to pick the bits. All the best.

with love
Chandra, Shobha, Venkat and Sethu

Tunks said...

thats some very interesting aspects u mentioned there chandra. thanks for sharing them with me.

firebird said...

I know the feeling/s. Even though all you feel like doing at the moment is to hurt the person you are speaking to, its best to leave them in their ignorance and not give them the satisfaction of being upset. OR we could report them to their supervisor. That is always a pinch in the floobletrix.

Tunks said...

Thankfully the feeling has passed...and I just hope never to meet that lady. I cud never be bitchy...