Friday, April 21, 2006

To know

Have you ever been shocked by the realization that someone really knows a part of who you are... and you never even knew they did?

I was. That’s the start of this entry idea. This happened a few days ago and culminated in the other extreme, the opposite scenario. I was struck by the reality of someone really not knowing me, though they would like to believe they do, and I have tried soo hard to wish was true.

It's hard still to come to terms with knowing now that that essence of who I am, really am, seeped into the package of knowledge that some people believe they know about me...not just some people, but those folk who were only privy to a short burst of my life. And not the person who's assumed the authority over my 'being' for years on end.

The former is amazingly refreshing and puts a lot of things into perspective...while the other just leaves me somewhat sad and disappointed, not in the person, but in myself for thinking that maybe, just maybe... they would change to fit the truth into what I've brainwashed myself into hoping, and they into thinking that they did. I thought to myself...'How could you not know me...after so long?'...'How could you say that? …knowing...or do you?’ Could it really be ignorance...or cruelty?

Anyways I got this thought in my inbox today and regretting having not read it earlier.... I just wanna share this with you all.

"The light is our only trustworthy guide. This is why, before making an important decision, you must concentrate for a few minutes on the world of light and ask what course you should follow. The reply will come in the form of thoughts, feelings, sensations or symbols. If the response is clear, you can go ahead. But if you feel apprehensive, confused or uncertain, it is because obstacles and hostile currents are barring the way. In this case, postpone your decision; ask the question again and do not act until the road ahead is free and clear. The heart and mind are like screens, on which beings from the invisible world, the spirits of wisdom, project replies to your questions. Instead of carrying out your own plans at any price, ask the divine world whether it has intentions and plans that are more suitable for you, and listen carefully to its response."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


Anonymous said...

Thats some deep stuff there Tunks. You give me something to think about for a while.

aka_lol said...

Very wise words Tunks and thanks for sharing them :)

I don't know how much of "me" people know and how much they assume. We try to let people know what we think would be useful to them in getting to know us. But we must be aware it's not easy for some to really know people because they simply don't have that intuitive feel about people. Opinions are options and we are stuck with them whether we like it or not, whether they are true or false.

It's only when we stop listen to ourselves and start listening to others we begin to know and understand people. Everything else is just our imagination.

Anonymous said...

We prefer to believe that we exist in a terrible shell;an exterior that cannot be breached.But sometimes,the truth needs no perception;it can be so blatantly revealing.The truth that I revelled in was a wonder to the imagination.

Tunks said...

Indeed Jason

Anytime aka ... it was one of those things that just reached out to me. I love your comment. What saddens me is when ppl believe their opinions are really the room for the doubt in perception.

"The truth that I revelled in was a wonder to the imagination. "
Same here... Somethings I'll never do again though, but there's no regretting.

firebird said...

I know the feeling of disbelief usually followed by dissapointment that occurs when a person you think knows you, proves that they don't with their own words or actions. You are right, its always difficult to see an apple for and apple when all you want is grapes and all you have is an apple.

Anonymous said...

the quote in your blog is very interesting

to consult the divine is important
in doing anything

"Instead of carrying out your own plans at any price, ask the divine world whether it has intentions and plans that are more suitable for you, and listen carefully to its response."

I pray we are strong enough and if not grow and become strong to let go and trust in the divine's grace and guidance in our lives.

Tunks said...

Guess we can't change dat apple into a grape...and even worst when the apple THINKS it's a grape, but ..... they keep proving that their not.

"I pray we are strong enough and if not grow and become strong to let go and trust in the divine's grace and guidance in our lives."

^^Indeed. To let God and Let God