Sunday, March 05, 2006

February Movies

Here is a list of the Movies I've seen for the Month of February

02-25-2006 - Hostle
02-25-2006 - Wolf Creek
02-20-2006 - Constantine *
02-19-2006 - Saw II
02-18-2006 - Constantine

02-18-2006 - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galexy *
02-18-2006 - Secretary *
02-17-2006 - Napolen Dynamite
02-16-2006 - Waiting *
02-16-2006 - Runaway Jury *
02-16-2006 - Without a Paddle
02-11-2006 - Salam Namaste *
02-11-2006 - Saved

02-04-2006 - Eloise
02-02-2006 - Cellular
02-01-2006 - Chasing Liberty

* My picks (Yes I looked @ Constantine twice. Loved that movie!)


The Cuke said...

Is Secretary the one with that Gyllenhaal chick or was that The Secretary?

Tunks said... was the 2002 movie 'Secretary' with Gyllenhaal.

Plot Outline: A young woman, recently released from a mental hospital, gets a job as a secretary to a demanding lawyer, where their employer-employee relationship turns into a sexual, sadomasochistic one.

aka_lol said...

aka to self: remember to get Secretary and other sadomasochistic movies, which were reviewed and recommended by movie critic Tunks, at the DVD club this weekend.

A couple weeks ago I asked for Saw II at the club but the girl there kept saying "we doe have any movie name saw tooth." "I actually had to write it out for her to which she promptly replied, "Yes we have saw tooth."

aka to self: remember to look for a new DVD club this weekend.

Isn't Without a Paddle another sadomasochistic movie? Maybe its With a Paddle I am think about.

Tunks said...

Yes yes I recommend 'Secretary'. It reminds me of the movie 'the secret lives of dentists'. This movie has definitly left a mark on my mind...a big mark too!

hahaha and yes it seems u need a new dvd club afterall :p

LOL @ 'with a paddle'

aka_lol said...

I am not sure if I will enjoy With, or Without a Paddle more; the movies I mean :)

Anonymous said...

Without A Paddle was hilarious. it was one of those meaningless movies you watch just to ketch kixx.

Tunks, does you loving Constantine have anything to do with the lead actor and actress? :P For me was a little of both lol.

Tunks said...

yea WAP was jus kix... esp those chicks in the earth tree lol

I loved the story itself in addition to my hunk of Keanu :D and Rachael is pleasing to the eyes as well. I like them both.