Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Approximately 2 weeks ago, I made an entry - click here to read that post - called "A's?" I quote:
I got an A in one of my midterms
3 more results are still outstanding
I'm pretty sure that this A would be my best mark for these midterms though
Now, I'm still in disbelief as I'm typing this but since then I got 2 more of my results and both were A's! Both of these came as a surprise to me. The 1st one I got an A- when I was honestly just hoping to pass, since I remember being really sick for that exam. The 2nd one, I saw my results just a few hours ago, I got 1pt short of the highest in my class ... I was shocked! Really and truly shocked by that result. See the thing is, I left out a question worth 2 marks, so out of 25, I was already looking at 23. The highest mark was 22 and well, you worked it out - I got 21/25.  

Me talking about it or being all happy may seen boastful or to a lot of people, they may think of my good grades as 'expected' - but the thing is, I've never been one of those 'A' students. This is the 1st time this is happening to me, least since primary school days. I personally still cannot figure out if it's me doing well, or the system just being easy; but according to the frequency distribution of results so far, I'm actually on the top end. 

Anyways... I'm happy about this result. All things considered, all the madness and sadness in my life lately, at least there is this one thing that's saying 'hey, don't give up, you're doing something good here' -- (at least for midterms)

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