Sunday, February 06, 2011

If my life were a story, I would tell it at night

I've always been nocturnal. I think it is one of the few things I knew for sure from very young, i.e, I can not only easily stay awake late at nights, but I liked to. What I did not know, was that it was 'unnatural' or frowned upon... until one day in school when I was about 11yo, my teacher had asked the entire class what time they normally went to bed, or something along those lines. I remember everyone answering in unison, all blurting their responses with eagerness befitting our age and I remember my answer being 11pm. My teacher then expressed unmasked shock and disapproval at what was apparently a very late hour to be going to bed. Maybe I knew before, or maybe I didn't, but that was the first real moment that I become painfully aware that 'maybe the night thing really isn't that normal after all'.

Nowadays, that is prolly normal.
But this was the 90's... the internet and cell phone age hadn't graced my house as yet and we didn't have cable t.v. ... What was I doing up that late anyway? 
Reading most likely

Anyways, as I entered my teenage years, I remember keeping a 'sleep log'. It was a legal sized lined sheet, stuck to my wall by the light switch with 3 columns drawn up. One for the date, one the time I went to sleep and the last for the time I woke up. Suffice to say, the hours I ended my day with were always of the a.m variety ... despite having to wake up to go to school at a normal expected time. I found it interesting... noting my patterns. Right now I cannot remember why I did that, or what I eventually learned from it. I just liked the structure, the documentation and the statistical view of things. I guess that's something I never grew out of... prolly never will.

There is no point to this entry really, other than the fact that its 2:30am... another a.m. hour of the night and I chose to think and type rather than sleep...

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