Once again I watch as the sun creeps over the horizon
Showering the earth with it's life
Overcome with that familiar feeling, I sigh.
It stretches its hands to embrace all
Yet, I resent its pretence
Yet another realization...
I can't erase, can't forget
I feel the hands of despair grip tightly
How will I ever break free?
Yet without you I have no existence
You are the air I breathe,
The blood that circulates throughout me.
Hard and fast I fall,
Back into reality's cold and barren embrace.
The tear is hot and with one quick swoop
It falls...
Searing the skin beneath that only guided its way.
I wonder why.
I can never see what's right
A stolen glance,
Overrated? Never !
Merely taken for granted.
Isn't love supposed to hurt?
The unspoken words,
mutual understanding ,
I can't understand
Appreciation is the key
The present only
the rest,
A mere memory.
And so, this thing we call life,
continues on...
An endless, uphill battle
Just what are we fighting for?
We reach the top
To fall down the other side
Yet we stand
Two lives merged, heart and soul
Torn apart by sounds and words
The movement of lips
That oh so powerful force,
ruling over, always.
Regret ,
They say it helps to evolve.
But denial can't fall
Memories, the secrets held close in the night,
come to life,
Sprung on me with undying force.
I call out to you ,
Only to suffocate in disappointment,
The torture of that echo.
The hollow, empty sound of a voice,
A voice that remains unanswered...
A heart left to bleed.
I'm alone again
Fighting for the chance to survive;
Fighting for the chance to be heard
Again, this once content being's heart,
Beats alone...
Crippled with grief, I crawl ,
Into the shadows.
The only sound...
The beating of my heart.
It's defeating! Make it stop !
Please, make it stop!
Sadness and frustration
Drowning me with a fierce tug
Pulling me down
beneath the lonely waters.
I turn, pulls me free
I breath, I smile
It's been a long time
I cry, just joy
Tears of happiness
Realization overcomes again
The sun leaves me alone
My moment's over
I feel the emotion
I can't pull away
Into to the night
Unconscious thoughts
Keeps me alive
Another day to come
Another heart to bleed
A soul to heal
Yet life goes on
Why is it that Words Unspoken sound so loud? Because they ring so true.
Did you write this Tunks? It's amazing!!
Come to think of it, I was 13yo when I wrote that. wow...
Thanks aka
SPAM!! woi!
I go leave it for now
(now im spamming my own comments)
Dear Tanya,
Love and hurt goes together ... Those who venture into love should be in a position to willingly accept hurt.... Despite this I can say that only those blessed ones have the capacity to give and understand love. Truly felt love is divine and always comes from the bottom of the heart. However the pain of love is immense … particularly when you lose the loved ones … it is important that one strikes a balance. Whether you call it being practical or facing reality …
With love
Thanks for the comment Chandra. Good to see you around. What you say is very true, and its because of that I can truthfully say what I have about my love. In this world of dualities, I've waded in the depths of both ends. And for that im grateful. Everything on a whole is easier said than done...but I go with life.
When I was 13 I couldn't even think straight much less write something as deep as Words Unspoken.....coming to think about it I still can't do either :)
I guess that they say is true. Gurls mature faster than boys :p hahaha...
thas not spam eh
anyways.. that long dred
Dear All,
“Would you love me” he asked her. The power of those words passed through her like an electric current. She closed her eyes for a moment just to open them wider. Her lips then whispered in a shivering voice “yes”. He then carried her in his arms and walked away.
Many people misunderstand love with infatuation. The true love is unconditional and endless. Infatuation fails to sustain, whereas love lives for ever .. for eternity ….
Still doubtful about love … go years back .. and Shajahaan who built Taj Mahal. But yet, Taj Mahal is just one of the smallest depiction of love .. so what would he the highest one?
With love
"Many people misunderstand love with infatuation. The true love is unconditional and endless. Infatuation fails to sustain, whereas love lives for ever .. for eternity …."
Its been awhile since I've associated the word 'love' in my life with that of a male person. hmmm...
For now its all from within. Love of love and life and God.
"thas not spam eh" (good to see ya bob)
Well considering he leaving d same comment all d time, I thought it was.
And yes it is long indeed. The longest poem I have(I think)
A person who is 13 but showing maturity of 30, might surely understand love from its right point of view, but a person of 19 showing maturity of 13 would reciprocate it with infatuation. As we march ahead in age (maturity) we gain the strength to differentiate. A love reciprocated with infatuation is not love, though from one angle it is.
In all breakdowns of reciprocation, the real sense should always prevail to appreciate the right to choose / freedom of the other individual. This can only happen through display of the highest level of maturity. Like love, ability to understand is also God given. When such breakdowns occur, one should make deliberate attempts to distract into something of a different interest, gardening, music, studies, etc. Remember, everyone has their right live / love.
With love
Thanks for the comment.
Its time I start posting things of the 'now'.
WOW ... amazing ... i dont think there are words to dscribe ur unspoken words. But tallent, u certainly have, to put life on one page. I thik if one cannot relate to what you have written they have not truly lived.
Thanks. It can be life...or just one day. The sun always sets... life goes on :)
this is fantastic tunks,i don't know what to say except Brilliant!post more of your poetry, i'll luv to read them
you wrote that when you were 13? wow! impressive. i'm really taken aback by the depth of your words.
you wrote that when you were 13? wow! impressive. i'm really taken aback by the depth of your words.
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