Saturday, October 08, 2005

Typical Irrational Beliefs

We must be loved by everyone and everyone must approve of everything we do.

We must be thoroughly competent, adequate, intelligent, and achieving in all possible respects.

Certain acts are wrong or wicked or villainous, and people who perform them should be severely punished.

It is a terrible catastrophe when things are not as we would like them to be.

Unhappiness is the result of external events and happenings that are focused on us and that we have no control over.

We should be greatly concerned about dangerous and fearful things and must center our thinking on them until the danger has passed.

It is easier to avoid difficulties and responsibilities in life than to face them.

We need someone or something stronger than ourselves to rely on.

Because something greatly influenced us in the past, it must determine our present behavior: the influence of the past cannot be overcome.

What other people do is vitally important to us, and we should make every effort to change them to be the way we think they should be.

There is one perfect solution to every problem, and if it is not found, the results will be terrible.

One has virtually no control over her emotions; she is their victim and cannot help how she feels.


My mom was rummaging through an old handbag and threw a yellow creased sheet of paper for me and told me to read - and this is what I found. "Typical Irrational Beliefs" - As I read each one, my breathing slowed as my heart pumped faster... it all made sense. Perfect sense. Subconsciously, some of these are my own, though I try to rationalize them to become more realistic.


aka_lol said...

Tunks, this is amazing!!

We are slaves to our "beliefs."

Beliefs give us structure but it also makes us stupid people when we don't examine why we should believe the beliefs.

I hate to say this but as much fun as religion is, I don't think enough people give it any thought - they simply follow what is written by those who are insecure enough to persecute those who do think.

Again, I stray from the point the blog. This blog states the Truth, which my last blog referred to but I had no idea posted here :)

As I said before, this blog is Amazing, and I like it!!

Tunks said...

:) Thanks aka.

I agree with you on the comment on Religion.

Sirius said...

This list rings all too familiar bells. The list can be looked at as what people expect you to live up to, and as what you expect yourself to live up to. Combined, it explains why we are often so disappointed in ourselves. We falsely believe that we are perfect, that we are bound by society's norms, that we cannot help our circumstances.

We have condemned ourselves.

Tunks said...

Thats so true. We are indeed our own worst enemy.

Tunks said...

omg!! i think i just got spam! :D