Monday, June 06, 2011

Am I high?

I woke up this morning... floating. My body was bobbing around, spinning, drifting around and around and upside down. My limbs were resting on a cloud of nothingness. It was so sooooo unbelievably amazing.
I wasn't moving though... I was just lying there, physically dead to the world, but floating around effortlessly on the inside. I had to force myself awake... I could barely open my eyes.

My head... my head was pounding. I didn't want to wake up.

I eventually got downstairs, made a cuppa coffee and sat down............... I covered it and went right back on bed. After awhile I opened back my eyes and noticed that all moving objects had a trail behind it. Like those cursor options you get on your computer, to leave a trail. 

At this very moment, it's still happening. A trail *moves my hand* ... yup... a trail!

Mom asked me what drugs I'm taking. Dad thinks I'm getting sick. But I'm okie... 

My pupils are still dilated

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