Saturday, May 06, 2006


When lips don't move but words are spoken,
Closed eyes tremble from internal violence.
A mind and heart whose link is broken,
The strongest emotions are expressed in silence.....

(I didn't write this, but I know it...)


aka_lol said...

The strongest emotions are expressed in silence....

....and is silence

snbg said...

Deeply profound.

Anonymous said...

Hey. Remember me?
If we are silent then we are able to listen to someone. Whether it is your spouse, parents and friends. You will be able to understand so many things in life by listening. There is a big difference between hearing someone and listening to someone. Relationships tend to be more successful and enjoyable when there is an understanding between the persons involved. So be silent and listen

Anonymous said...

Sing in Silence. Speak not words which will break your thought. Sing in silence.

I alwasy thought being silent is one of the most expressive of emotions. you can express so much with silence.

Anonymous said...

Silence is a good way to achieve more from the other. Most people cannot cant stand by silence and they try to fill it up.

In negotiation, silence can be used a major tool to break open the opponent.

Tunks said...

Silence is my #1 tool and my #1 saftey-net.

Tunks said...

Thanks a lot for that... I know the bk, haven't read it but I saw the movie when I was younger.

how bout 'suffering in silence' ?