I wrote this 3 days ago and now that I'm finally getting my net to work, here we go!
The clock striked 12...It officially brought in the New Year 2007. It’s amazing that just a concept of numbers, time and expectation of ramifications of the former, could bring about such a sudden and drastic change in mentality and moods world wide!
Considering the lawlessness and undercurrent of panic that seeps into every family, in every home and into everyone's heart...maybe we need more than 1 declared 'new year' per year. Let's make it a new year every month, or even better, let’s delight in positivism and hopefulness each and every morning! Why not celebrate the rising of the sun every day? Obviously we're not going to drink 'till we can't remember our names and create fog in a Caribbean island with countless Fireworks going off every night...but we can carry that feeling within us, every day. Awake with our daily resolutions, the joy of a new beginning or the improvement of a current endeavor. Out with the pain and regret and grudges... and in with the pure essence of love, happiness and overall peace of mind, in our homes, communities, societies, countries and in the world throughout!
Happy New Day!
I am trying to be positive about the new year but it is hard. My recent blog was a confession about me being a new year scrooge but when I see your optimism I feel ashamed about my pessimism. But all is not lost since optimism is more contagious then pessimism. I think I am starting to see the light :)
Long time no see! Thanks for the comment
Looking back @ my post and the comment u made I just felt so sad..... cuz there's a possibility that a good friend of our's has been KILLED!!! Aunty Vindra........ sigh sigh sigh......................... :(
Yep, that is very, very sad :(
I hope for the best still! This is gonna be a BIG year! I know it...
BABEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! OMG :D You used the logo Mikey and I made for you!! That's so sweet babe!! I feel so special..part of me is up on your site yay :D...I Love you!! HAPPY 2007 indeed!
awwwwwwwww yes babe! U're forever eternalized in the archives of dis site :D
Thanks so much again for the logo :)
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