People. We go through our lives mingling between the sexes mostly ignoring our natural urge and desire to be with someone. At any arbitrary event; in the grocery, passing strangers on the street, sitting in church...there will always be one of the two around you; either a male or a female. We don't always stop to think at each sighting that 'he/she is a potential mate'. If we did do that, I'm sure all will be shacked up with kids at the onset of puberty. So we move above those animal instincts and evolved into a race of basic discrimination, intent and imagination. But maybe, if you're a girl, every guy you see, every male person you encounter, triggers that natural instinct and vice versa for guys.
There is always something... noticing, observing, an affiliation, an interest, attraction, fondness, a crush, infatuation, an addiction, love, even obsession. It's our sexual interest. Our emotional desire. Our social need. Be it homo/hetro, it matters not... it all boils down to that connection. Any connection. It is our nature. How many tries before the soul finds satisfaction? How many times do we deny it...deny ourselves? We prolong the inevitable. I guess we just have to make sure it's for the right reasons.
nice blog, tunks
thanks a lot hawke. good to see u here. Nice blog urself! :)
thats true!.....anywayz nice blog
Once again, nice blog Tunks, and nice magnets :)
Tunks, if you were are a magnet, and you are, you would be a South Pole. That means you would either be attracted to a North Pole, or a North Pole would be attracted to you. The rules of attraction in physics say opposite poles attract, and like poles repel. That is why men are normally attracted to women and the other way around. Could that law be applied to personalities? Can you tell what people are really like from the first glance? That might be possible if you are a very perceptive person, and you are.
Again, I draw on a reference from my day-to-day experiences. Today, a girl crossed in front my car, and I tried to imagine what she is really like. Naturally, I don't, or won't ever know, but the thought crossed my mind. I don't do this for everyone because it would be burdensome, given my brain's limited capacity for burden. On the other hand, I can tell much about someone from their blog and their comments :) I don’t think too much of the possibilities because possibilities can be frustrating. As they say, many things are possible, but very few are probable.
"The rules of attraction in physics say opposite poles attract, and like poles repel... Could that law be applied to personalities?"
Amazing you should say that. I spent a considerable amt of time last night discussing that very same thing. It seems to work with me all the time...I keep finding my polar opposites, and wanting to keep them :p
yet again, nice blog :)
Thanks. and nice link. Im sure i'll find it very useful
tunks marry me please i wannt satisfy some of my urges that you were describing
hahaha send in the resume
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