It’s the end of 2005 according to the Christian Calendar. Last night I sat wondering ‘What year is it really? How old are we?' The human race started long before the birth of Christ…and sometimes I think we forget that. But putting that aside, we are indeed entering a new year; if not literally, then definitely on a global symbolic level.
Last year I was somewhat disappointed and equally amazed at the steady, non-epiphanic merging of 2004 to 2005. It was the sort of calm and nonchalance, that only now upon reflection, epitomizes ‘the calm before the storm’, for there was no way for me to know then, that this year gone by, was going to be the most difficult and trying period of my life. No words can justify that reality.
Yet I am thankful. And for the pain and hardship – I love life. I love life even more now than I thought I could. I just love. And always would.
I am taking this opportunity to thank everyone…and I mean everyone who passed through my life: those that are still here and those who are no longer with me. I also ask for forgiveness if I need be forgiven. I wish you all the best. God Bless us all.
Welcome 2006 :)
I Love this picture. It's just so beautiful!
Disappointments are part and parcel of life. In this circus of existence, you cannot have your way all the time. Things change; people change. Events and results have an unpredictable and uncontrollable way of happening. To keep yourself from being utterly frustrated and dismayed, here are some things to avoid or at least soften the pangs of great disappointment:
1. Expect the best but be ready for the worst.
When you work hard on something, it's natural to expect the best results. And the most glorious rewards. But sometimes things don't turn out the way you want them to. To keep from being dreadfully dismayed, expect the best, but at the same time, psyche yourself up for the worst. Then you'll be ready for any unexpected turn of events!
2. Give it your best shot.
Much of the frustration that follows a failure is the big disappointment you feel towards yourself. When you do not try hard enough, you are overcome with guilt and regret. In whatever you are doing, do your best, give it your best shot. Then youll know you did all you can and you should be proud for trying.
3. Realize that you cannot own people.
We often expect people to act or be a certain way that would be congruous to how we want them to be. Realize that you do not and can not own people. Each person has his own mind and the natural right to free will. Give others the gift of space and freedom. Remember that when you lose someone, whatever you were expecting was not meant to be.
4. Realize that we are just temporary stewards of things.
When you lose material things, whether they are stolen from you or gutted down by a fire, minimize your grief by realizing that we are just temporary keepers of what we own. They will finally find their way to where they were destined to be. Besides, when you finally go, you cannot take a single thing with you.
5. Never expect anything back.
People get bitterly disappointed when they don't get back what they give to others. People always expect (some even demand!) repayment. This is a major cause of extreme frustration. When you help someone (especially financially) do not expect anything back. Think of it as a gift of love that's given freely and completely with no strings attached.
6 . Don't pin your life on one person.
You would be doing yourself a great injustice if you pinned your life on one person. No one person should take control, importance or dominance over your existence. People come and go in our lives. If you depend too much on someone, you will feel so shattered, helpless and hopeless if you lose him. Make sure you can stand on your own two feet. And live your own dreams, not other people's.
7. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
To avoid disappointment from losing anything, don't put all your eggs in one basket. It's a good practice to have more than one project happening so that when one fails, you have others to look forward to. Regarding financial investment, it is wise to diversify. The more things you have going, the less the chance of losing it all.
8. Realize that success is a combination of many factors.
You do not have full control over the outcome of things. Even with all the necessary preparations and precautions, things may end up differently from how you want them to. There are many factors and variables that determine how something or an event will turn out. And that includes the weather!
9. Realize that you will always get another chance.
If you don't succeed now, there will always be another time. Tell yourself that maybe it just isn't the right time yet for what you desire. Keep in mind that you will always get another chance to get a crack at it. Never lose hope. Hope springs eternal.
10. Realize that without defeat, victory won't be as sweet.
You have to feel the bitterness of failure to be able to savor the sweetness of success. Failures make you strong and powerful. Use them as a challenge for more determination to go after your dreams next time. Analyze why you failed and learn from your mistakes.
11. Realize that the universe has its own divine plan.
Yes indeed, the universe has a divine design. It has its own unchangeable, unique plan which may be very different from yours. You may not understand it at all for now, but it is something you have to force yourself to live with. Going against the current will just frustrate you. Do what the Zen masters preach: Go with the flow!
12. When things turn out awry, it's not the end of the world.
The world will not end just because something did not turn out the way you expected it to. It will keep on turning even if you cried a bathtub of tears in your own little dark corner. So dry your eyes and erase those disappointments. Hey, Friends! flash on a smile! Tomorrow is another day.
In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.
~ Mother Teresa
This entry was curtesy another email I recieved that I was just compelled to share. I hope it inspires you, as it did me.
You have probably gotten this fwd before, but I will share it nontheless. Click to find out: What kind of tree are you?I'm the Poplar Tree:Poplar - The UncertaintyLooks very decorative, no self-confident behavior, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organizer, tends to philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership serious.
We must forgive.
Forgiveness is absolutely essential in everyone's life - know it or not.
To be unforgiving is to self-destruct.
Yet it sometimes seems the most difficult thing to do.
Forgiveness can be misunderstood to fuel a form of ego... for one to say 'I forgive you' means that person takes an approach of superiority - meaning they have the power in them to forgive another's misdeeds and wrong doings. Possibly the only 'wrong' that was done was your own perceptions and expectations of what/who the other person should be.
I realize that to truly forgive someone, means that that person doesn't even need your forgiveness.
To forgive someone means you can think of them, and know that they are just fine and okie. There is nothing terribly wrong with them. They are happy. And you are okie with that.
Having forgiven someone, you know that they are okie and so are you.PS: My entry this day One year ago - Disturbed
The cuke said:
Ever see a line - lyrics,etc. - and think,
"Damn. I gotta have that."
Like you can actually go out, buy and acquire some string of words
I admit I have fallen prey to that piece of irrationality. One such lyrical lure is as follows:
2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to
Anna Nalick - Breathe (2 AM)I've known the thought daggers that threaten to slowly bleed me dry... if I didn't put them into their worded brothers.