Last year I was somewhat disappointed and equally amazed at the steady, non-epiphanic merging of 2004 to 2005. It was the sort of calm and nonchalance, that only now upon reflection, epitomizes ‘the calm before the storm’, for there was no way for me to know then, that this year gone by, was going to be the most difficult and trying period of my life. No words can justify that reality.
Yet I am thankful. And for the pain and hardship – I love life. I love life even more now than I thought I could. I just love. And always would.
I am taking this opportunity to thank everyone…and I mean everyone who passed through my life: those that are still here and those who are no longer with me. I also ask for forgiveness if I need be forgiven. I wish you all the best. God Bless us all.
Welcome 2006 :)

as we draw another breath extending life, I cannot speak more profound words to convey the sincerest of wishes for a happy new year. We can take the past with us but not change it, and we cannot change the future since it is not yet made, but we can appreciate that we have made it this far living life by the minute and waiting for the next day.
2006 go for it :p
There are events which can occur in our lives, that we could never have imagined. Some of those events can make life seem meaningless since they make no sence regardless at the angle we look at it. Some people, despite adversity, come out on top because they have learnt to find hope, even in the most barren places. They know the secret of life by living. I think that is what is called Words Unspoken :)
Happy 2006!!
Benko :) Happy new year to you too luv. Thanks for wise words of wisdom.
aka - you words ring such a bitter sweet truth to it. Only you will know. But here we are in 2006... alive...and hopefully living.
All the best :) and Thanks for everything.
You make any New years Resolutions gyul?
Yo Jason, I guess I did...
Happy New Year girlie!:) Indeed, the human race did start long before the birth of our lovely Jesus :) God truly had a plan for his Son (our Saviour Jesus Christ) to be born millions of years after He created earth and mankind. It's all stated in the Bible. The Old testament in the Bible speaks about the many prophecies foretold about the coming of Jesus, and it's so amazing to know that those prophecies did come true 2005 years ago, and is fully stated in the New Testament of the Bible.
Life is truly amazing! And I thank God everyday for giving me this gift. We've got to make the best of it everyday! I Love this entry babe!
Thanks so much for all the info babe. You really know your stuff :p
wow tunks like you say God is Good.Happy new year!
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