Thursday, February 17, 2011

Now I know

Except from Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss

"I believed it concerned the fear of death, which is the fear
deep within the volcano. The fear of death, that hidden, constant fear
that no amount of money or power can neutralize-this is the core. But
if people knew that "life is endless; so we never die; we were never
really born," then this fear would dissolve. If they knew that they had
lived countless times before and would live countless times again,
how reassured they would feel. If they knew that spirits were around
to help them while they were in physical state and that after death,
in spiritual state, they would join these spirits, including their
deceased loved ones, how comforted they would be. If they knew
that guardian "angels" really did exist, how much safer they would
feel. If they knew that acts of violence and injustices against people
did not go unnoted, but had to be repaid in kind in other lifetimes,
how much less anger and desire for vengeance they would harbor.
And if indeed, "by knowledge we approach God," of what use are
material possessions, or power, when they are an end in themselves 
and not a means to that approach? To be greedy or power-hungry 
has no value whatsoever.
But how to reach people with this knowledge?"

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