When we were younger most of us tried looking or sounding older than we were and we basked in the joy of knowing that someone thinks that. I'm sure everyone went through a period like that.Years down the road, the opposite is true. We want to look younger than we really are. It’s kinda like a never ending battle.
I've always enjoyed being the young one. I still do. In my family, immediate and extended and also in my classes throughout my academic life, I've always been one of the young ones, but that’s only by age. People almost always think I'm older than I am. Back in form 1, some people thought I was doing CXC..and mind you I was just 11 years old.
Over the past 2 years or so, I see a reoccurring pattern developing, where people keep assuming I'm 'a person in authority' depending on the gathering or occasion. In UWI I was mistaken as being a tutor but by just fellow students, but by tutors themselves. My first day of SBCS, and one of my lecturers thought I was a fellow lecturer. And now today, at a private course I'm doing...of a class of 12, I was the 2nd youngest (one being 19yo), yet for some strange reason a few of the students thought that I'm a teacher in SJC San'do (my Alma Mata). If people meeting me for the 1st time were to look at me and guess my profession (which I've had happen to me a few times), they either pin down 'teacher or works in a bank' - just from my looks. Why is that? Is it the way I dress...my short hair? My face? Mannerism? And why do they think I'm engaged? I don't wear a engagement ring? Hmmm...
I don't want to look older anymore. I like being young. I'm still Twenteen for God's sake!
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