I came up with the idea, that an ideal way to tourture a man is to give him some sort of itching skin irritation that affects his whole body, and lock him up in hot room to scratch himself crazy.
I've gotten some kinda itching allergic reaction to my meds most likely... I feel like a junkie who's well behind his boost up time. I think I'm slowly scratching my sanity away...
Don't men already scratch an awful lot anyway?
Dear Tunks,
Another way to irritate a man is to avoid him. I am sure I can say it with authenticity since I am a man.
Good point there snbg... I'm just thinking now we can give some something to 'scratch about' lol
Thanks for the pointer Chandra... I've irritated a man or 2 in my lifetime with that technique... I just gotta remember in the future to watch out for the psychos.
You started this blog from scratch and not many people have done that. To scratch, or not to scratch was always the question some were itching to answer.
I never like it when the things that are suppose to help you also irritate you, like politicians and fellow inmates. Now if you were to take something for the itching that might produce a side effect such as blogging. This is a blessing in disguise since no cure for blogging means no medication and therefore no side effects :)
Nicely said aka... I hope blogging is the only side effect I'm yet to see...cuz this itching is driving me crazy!
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