I really should do something about blogger's procrastination. Not a day has gone by since my last post, where I haven't thought about my next entry. I've jotted down ideas, opening statements, themes and even written entire stories...all in my head. Its pretty sad and funny at the same time.
How has the year been so far for you? For some it may have meant new beginnings, broken habits, resurrected hopes and of course the many of you who sees this as yet another year of more stress at work, school or home. But hey, who are we to judge? Bills got to be paid, exams written and relationships tended to. Its the beat of the life we all know and love.
It dawned on me, that these past couple weeks have been defined by one word. A word which I've very rarely used in my vocabulary with respect to anything that has to do with my life. A word that is subtly needed or desired by most, even myself, yet I've done nothing actively to achieve the results. This new word, this new experience my friends...I call Balance! I woke up one morning to realize that for once in my life, I'm balancing perfectly in the center of my own spectrum. No more epitomizing lengths and intensities. No more drastic patterns, fluctuating or volatile. I'm just enjoying a delicate balance between quiet, peaceful, personal time and meeting, greeting and entertaining visiting friends and family. A balance between watching too much TV and reading too many books. A balance between my thoughts sprinting down a healthy or spiritual path, and wading in the gutters of alluring vices and fantasies. Even my sleep pattern is just right. I was never one to boast a balance or acquiesce to normality. I enjoyed walking the fine line and testing my limits. My life has always been categorized by intense yet clashing patterns. But I am liking this....or really appreciating it. It's not going to last, I know, and maybe I'll mourn the shift in equilibrium or not... but for now I'm going with the flow and for once it's a flow that I've created.
Another beautiful experience in the book of Tunks :)
You are right Tunks, the middle means stability. In physics it might even be called dynamic equilibrium, which means stable but moving, as opposed to stable but stagnant.It's good that you are achieving stability and not bent to one side. I wonder how many of us has achieved this mental and physical stability, which our minds and bodies need, and the Universe is constantly striving towards. I doubt we can be in harmony all the time but when we tip to one side we need to recognize it and apply a suitable counterbalance as soon as possible. If this is not done we can end up rolling on the floor while our invited guest are still there. That would be embarrassing, to say the least. If we read the headlines everyday we would see that the people of the planet are highly unstable and don't even know it. This would not be such a big problem if the unstable people did not affect the stability of others, but they do.
Gosh aka.. your comments deserve an entry space all on its own.
My comments would be nothing without your blog :)
I think your comments on Words Unspoken should be read by as many people as possible since your thoughts are always deep, and always food for thought. Remember your resolution for the New Year: To Blog More :)
You're right...the comments can't live without the blog in the 1st place. Reading them is a good follow up ... and possibly the light shed on whats to be read between the lines.
I'll be blogging more! :) You too!
beautifully said tunks.keep on blogging :>
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