(Name suggestions for this piece of art are welcomed)
This is the 2nd eye I drew... I did this with a 6b pencil.
If you look closely into the iris... you'll see something I attempted to add on. Let me know if you can see it....
Its the theme of oldage, death and fear.

I would title this "the critical eye..." fantastic and thought evoking work as usual. Reminds me of a stare I have seen many times as I am being assessed... and all that with one eye.
Thanks Benko. The Critical Eye huh... hmmmmmm... I'd be freaked out to get a stare like that, come to think of it.
You certainly have the talent and the eye for art. I like the theme since death can cause great fear. But death isn’t the greatest fear, but it’s the fear of loneliness and suffering. Death, that‘s always the easy part.
An eye without hope is an eye that welcomes death. Hope is the expectation that life will live up to its silent promises. The eye lives not only for hope or in hope, but to give hope. That is what I see in this eye - A window of hope.
A defiance of death... what's in the iris is a skull... of u look closely u'll see. Death is the easiest part... maybe its the dawn after years of suffering.
Thanks for that blog worthy comment aka - all ur comments are little blog entries in themselves.
king kong
I missed the Skull :)
6620 (I still find dat name interesting) - U're actually da 2nd person to suggest d eye looks like king kong's. Its is kinda scary
Ahh... U missed it aka - but from the looks of that eye, it sure didn't miss u :p
Yuh know.... if we add a tinge of green to that eye... I'll say it looks a lot like HULK
i was right. i saw a skull with hair within the iris?
when i firt saw the eye, it reminded me of Gollum's.
aye freal! Now dat I lookin @ it... it looks like Gollum
D skull wasn't meant to have hair... but it'll be jus as cool if it did :p
this drawing is really good tunks. you have amazing talent. as for your poetry, i look fwd to more
thas my eye actually
ur eye? daz a scary thought :S
As Usual find your perspectives deep........."antisipation of Death can be worse than Death itself"
well selected quote - and so true
Thanks stewy
"Mirror of the Soul"
i envy u you are so interestinly talented.i am blown away.
Wonderful work
A name for this piece?
Window to a Troubled Soul
thanks anon
window to a troubled soul... ah... good one. thanks
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