Wednesday, August 31, 2005
What bothers me now is an image imbedded in my head a few days now...One of the other really disturbing pieces of life that I just can't come to terms with. And that is a parent, verbally and physically abusing their children (in public) reeking of absolute ignorance and lack of understanding. This mother, who seemed a bit on the loose screws side, was raucously shouting at and threatening her 4year old daughter with a belt, for every single thing that she said and did. She wanted something to drink... the mother grabbed her and hit her shouting to her as to why she has to be so difficult and why she has to be thirsty. The girl asked for water...the mother took the belt and beat her this time, screaming at her to drink mauby. The girl then wanted to sit down on a free seat and the mother screamed at her to come and lie down and sleep and hit her again. Every single thing she child did or didn't do, this mother is breaking out in her abusive ways, 'roughing up' the girl, and then blatantly turning to everyone else in the room and complaining that the place so hot and the journey taking so long.
Now we were all on a boat on the way back to Trinidad, about 5 families in that part of tourist class, all with kids. The other mothers were looking on at this irate woman and no one said a thing. People are trying to take a nap or eat or have some quality family fun...and this woman just goes on, abusing that little girl, for no apparent reason…and quite loudly too.
I'm not one to judge and I tried at first to see things from the mother's point of view... but after awhile it was more than obvious that what I was witnessing was just down right wrong. I prayed for God to bless the mother with patience and understanding and the little girl to not be affected negatively. It's not my place to seem condescending, but I said that pray with honest sincerity. The whole situation left a burning sick feeling in my stomach. I've seen it many times... parents walking with children on the street. The child stumbles and the mother grabs him, hits him and quarrels about the fact that he fell. I mean... how can people do that? Why?
Monday, August 29, 2005
The Eye - part 2
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
The first at last begins
Writer's block is far more commonly found in the presence of too much, not too little will. -- Victoria Nelson
A fellow blogger passed on an article to me on writers block after I complained senselessly about feeling the symptoms. That quote extracted stopped me in my tracks … and that’s an amazing thing since I’ve been running full speed on the reading track while my writers’ shoes lay collecting dust. Ah but with that said, I think this falls a bit in my garden… ok maybe not, its smack down in the center of my plate. This overwhelming will to say something and not being able to find the words has been giving me a headache… or is it the other way around?
A few weeks ago I came off some steroids, which has been in my system for over a year or so… and since then I’ve been battling with the withdrawal symptoms. One of them I didn’t anticipate was the super painful headaches, which once begun, hasn’t till this day seemed to have properly stopped. A ‘brewing headache’ as someone had put it… was what I found myself with. Still I refused to take anything for it. The pain pulsates and oozes slowly from around the optic nerves and at the back of my head and slowly… very slowly begins to radiate throughout. It’s reached a point where my head was sensitive to the actual physical touch. Hmmm… I’ll say that sucks big time.
It was today however, that the doctor revealed to me that I’ve been suffering from the infamous enemy of many… Migraines. Who would have thought? Probably everyone who witnessed my misery and not myself, but oh well. Things should be better soon.
I had stopped blogging about ‘what’s really going on’ or ‘whaz d real scene’. I think I needed to ease up on being my greatest critic and start become my favorite fan as well… It's all good :)
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Self titled
But life goes on…and I love life for that. But one day, maybe I’ll write me a book.
For now though, I’ll type with one hand and suck this corn cub (now that I’ve eaten all the corn off it) allowing my mind to wander again...To where... :) ...I'd rather not say. Somethings are easier done than said...or in it's silence, it safer.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
*sigh* :)
Saturday, August 13, 2005
The eye: part 1

(Name suggestions for this piece of art are welcomed)
This is one of my older and defining pieces. It's personally my favorite and somewhat of a trademark of all things tunks :)I really enjoyed the 'work in progress' process 'cause it mainly entailed me sitting at my desk peering into the depts of my soul! Ah yes folks, I used the mirror to work the details.
I wish I had scanned it straight though :p ... Stay tuned for part 2 of the eye drawing saga :)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005
We know, don't we?
Something is up. You're thinking along certain lines or entertaining possible decisions. In your mind, you can think it through, give reasons or non reasons...make it all seem perfectly okie. Yet at the end of the day, when you're chatting away with your friends, you realize... you can't tell anyone. You shouldn't be embarassed right? No... You tell yourself that they won't understand... but deep inside you know that they understand just as much as you do... and they're gonna tell you exactly what you've been trying not to tell yourself. Being repremanded just adds further guilt. Hearing from others will make it suddenly real... but you don't wanna make it real... It's still in your head. Such convenient denial... convenient silence...Maybe it'll all go away... flow into time... become nothing...
We know, don't we? The difference between right and wrong...
Monday, August 08, 2005
How's everyone doing?
It's been awhile huh...
It's a new month! August is here... Its hard to believe...
Just the other day it was March. wow.
This can equally be called the most eventful and uneventful few months of my life...Really.
So again. How you doin folks?