Living in Trinidad, I'm sure we all must have seen the Ixora Flowers, if not in your own yard, then in the neighbor's down the street. Red, pink, yellow and white... yupp, those are the colors. From a distance, an Iroxa hedge can take the form of an entire walled passageway of vibrant Colour, with thick masses clustered together. And it is this site which we revere as the Ixora.
As a child growing up, I've always had the opportunity to 'hold a flower in your hand' while we said prayers etc. Being as bored as a child can get, I took it upon myself to make that simple little cluster of flowers as interesting and intriguing as can possibly be. That is when I first stumbled upon....
I plucked out one tiny little 4 petal flower from the bunch, and noticed that IN that flower, was something that looked identical to the flower itself, but even smaller. Steering through the flower from the bottom up, I saw what looked like the 'stem' of the other little flower. (stigma, filament, whatever it was called then, I didn't know) I got a hold of that between my fingers...and I pulled it out... very very slowly. The head of it gently scooped out the entire length of the inside of the flower, and from the base...there it was. Out popped a tiny, barely visible droplet of sweet nectar. The taste however, wow, the little piece of sensory pleasure I can't describe... But you can imagine the amount of those I 'ate' back then? I think however I felt guilty of stealing the flower's 'sweetness' and eventually stopped.
What does all this have to do with anything? In my next entry I'll have to explain. But until then, ask yourself, how honestly do you really and truly appreciate the little things. No cliché intended my friends. Physically and otherwise, I really mean the LITTLE supposedly insignificant things in life?

tunks i remember tasting the nectar from those flowers when i was a kid. it was one of the first things i di d when i finally returned to T&T for my visit since i left. WOW it sure brought back memories.
hey KOS, nice to hear from u. Good to know someone else shares such a memory :)
This is a strange coincidence. I didn't take a picture of a flower for the entire year but yesterday morning at 08:47 I took a pic of an ixora.
Coincidences aside, I can almost taste the droplet of sweet nectar :)
Very well done :)
Wow babe, you are surely bringing back memories for me here. I was about 7 years old when i first tasted the nector of an Ixora Flower. I lived by my Great grandmother at the time. I always loved to hang out in her garden/yard because there was so much to explore there. One day whilst exploring, my great grandmother came outside and saw me looking at the Ixora Flowers. She said "there's nectar in it you know, and you can taste it if you'd like, it's very delicious." So i brought one of the little flowers to her, so that she could have shown me how to get to the nectar. She pulled out the stigma or filament and to the top of it I saw the droplet of nectar. She said "taste it" and i did :)I was happy that she had so many Ixora flowers in her garden from then on. Each day i went out into the garden, I picked myself a handful of flowers and feasted on it's nectar, as if it was a delicacy. :) I love this post tans. Thanks for reminding me of then :)
I'm smiling after reading those last 2 comments. Thanks aka & Caribbean Dream
It's no matter of coincidence this was posted, or that you read it. Good feelings are always meant somehow, to be shared.
The pic prolly came from aka over there. Check his site.
Blue and green iz my text colour scheme for now.
Everything is work in progress.
What does all this have to do with anything? In my next entry I'll have to explain. :)
Tension is building :)
The tension is here between who you are and who you could be...Between how it is and how it should be...
A Walk To Remember
Love It, Love It, Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooe Itttt.
it's really sad.i've been reading the blogs, and reading the comments[i suppose every "farse" trini would do this before they comment. or just me. i dunno. this blog was cool, because almost EVERYONE[at least i think so] has tasted the nectar of this flower, at least once.ANYWAY, to my point.it's really sad that while everyone can post something positive,while one person tries to ruin it.jealousy, maybe?i'd bet stupidity.the person that blogs under "ass".....i admire you.at least you don't deny what you really are.i have some choicer words to describe you though.grow the f*ck up.
Well Said Yans :) ... well said.
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