Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Ode to May
May has stood out, amongst its fellow brothers and sisters as being the most significant one in my life…thus far. It’s ridden with many personal milestones; good, bad and those that linger somewhere in-between.
Firstly, I was born on the 8th of this Month 19 years ago (Happy Belated Birthday Tunks). Just 3 days before my birth, my grandfather died and throughout the years gone by since, my other 3 grandparents passed away…in fact, in one year, 2 of them died 1 week apart; together with an uncle and a cousin…all separate incidences – 4 deaths, 4 sets of wakes and 4 funerals - All in the month of May. Hmm…all right. Enough of that talk. Too personal? Oh well… the list goes on
Ah yes… May was always one that had the anxiety-laden ring of Examinations in the air, not just the typical end of terms but the life changing (and yes they were) CXC and A Level exams. There was also Mothers day…a bittersweet occasion for my family. In the midst of it all, through out my academic life, I’ve graduated 4 times in May.
On an even more personal note, May marks … first kiss, first time I saw my first b/f upset, first for a few other experiences and first time I was faced with a one to one decision. It now also marks the beginning of the end of something and the end of another beginning. (Never underestimate the power of being vague). In May I was given the RA medical diagnosis and it has subsequently been a month of recuperation following a trend of flares every year since (Including this one)
Now…every event listed above has been, at the time, a significant one indeed. Throwing it out in such a nonenthused factual manner has its pros and cons depending on how we look at it but I haven’t attempted in any way to capture the true meaning or effect. To me, explaining these things that cannot be absoloutly understood and felt by another, can undermind the importance of it...I rather not take that risk. However, I’ll still stick to conviction of this being an opportunity to share something personal, succumb to my need to rant about May and of course, have this in the archives of time to reflect upon as my memory fades...
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Aunque en silencio...
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still your love after all that I’ve done
You won’t believe me
All you will see is a girl you once knew
Although she’s dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you
I had to let it happen, I had to change
Couldn’t stay all my life down at heel
Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun
So I chose freedom
Have I said too much?
There’s nothing more I can think of to say to you.
But all you have to do is look at me to know
That every word is true
Selected Lyrics from: DON’T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
The Irony of Happiness
After reading the previous post, a friend said to me (that which he was once told) the following:
You have to let go of the happiness when it still is happiness; that is the only way to preserve it. Sometimes we hold on to little bits of life hoping it would never change but the more we hold on the more it changes, and then it turns into something which is exactly the opposite to what we had. But we still hold on, and that is the memory and pain we are left with
These words have been drifting around my mind since. As I lay in bed, I took advantage of absorbing the 3am sort of silence ... the kind thats marked by more than just the absence of sound...the kind of silence in which I can actually hear the pulsation of the world around me...thats what it felt like. And these words came back to me...I can't expand on them any more than they are self explainitory.
And then I thought - If only I had known them earlier...now they're something I'll never forget
The Letting Go
Isn't that what we wanted all along
Freedom like a stone
Maybe we were wrong
But I can say goodbye
Now that the passion's died
Still it comes so slow
The letting go
Excerpt from the song, "The Letting Go" by Melissa Etheridge
Letting go. It is difficult for us in so many ways and on so many levels. Yet life calls upon us to do it, over and over again. Letting go is part of our growth process. We cannot move on to the new while continuing to cling to the old.
There come times, in the context of love and romance, when we must learn to let go. For some of us, as described in the song, we must let go of a past romantic relationship. Maybe the relationship was not meant to be: perhaps it was hurtful to us, or perhaps it was hindering the personal or spiritual growth of one or both partners. In this case, even when there may still be feelings of passion, or attraction, or just the comfort of the familiar, we must be strong in letting go of something that is unhealthy for us. … Perhaps we have no problem leaving the person behind, but we continue to harbor animosity. In this case, we need to let go of the anger: holding onto anger does not serve us - and it might even serve to create problems in our physical health or emotional well-being. … In the realm of romantic relationships, some of us need to let go of unrealistic expectations. Whether we have idealized a past relationship or just read too many romance novels, some of us need to let go of the myth of the perfect lover: the fantasy of a relationship that requires no work and just brings us "happily ever after." By letting go, I am not implying "to forget" or "to ignore." By all means, we should carry with us the happy memories and the lessons we have learned from our past relationships. However, we need to let go in the sense of releasing emotional baggage we may be carrying around with us, so that we may be open to, and present for, a new relationship.
Many of us have trouble letting go of old ways of viewing people who have been part of our lives for an extended period of time. They may be changing, and yet we do not let go of viewing them in the same way, and/or we try to discourage that change. We refuse to let go of the labeling, categorizing, and pre-set expectations we have of those we know, and of ourselves. This seems particularly true of many parents of teenage or young adult children. Many parents have a difficult time letting go of them as children, and allowing them to grow up. It is hard for parents to make that transition from treating their children as kids, to treating them as adults and more like friends. Many of these same parents have trouble letting go of viewing themselves, primarily, in the role of parent. For instance, some mothers are afraid to let their kids become grownups, because they are afraid to let go of their own identity as "mother." They have become so identified with that one role, that they no longer are sure who they are, outside of that role. When we refuse to let go of old ways of identifying and viewing ourselves and others, we hinder the growth and change that is occurring.
There is a saying: Let Go, Let God For most, if not all, of us, the letting go that we most need to do is a type of surrender. We need to surrender to life, itself. This means that we need to let go of our illusion that we actually can control most aspects of our lives. In many cases, rather than to fight "what is," we need to learn to accept and to be at peace… Too many of us are trying to keep a tight grip on things that are out of our control. This is like trying to grip the water flowing in a river. Put your hands into the river. If you try to get the water by grabbing it and clenching your fists, it goes right out of your hands. If you relax and open, gently cupping your hands, the water flows into your palms. By relaxing, opening, and trusting, we can hold onto more of what is precious to us. By letting go, we actually allow more of the mystery of life to come in for us.
To let go....
doesn't mean you stop caring, it means you can't fix someone else
is not to cut all connections, but to cut a few here and lengthen a few there
is not to punish but to allow learning from natural consequences
is not to admit defeat or powerlessness, but to realize the outcome is not in my hands
is to spend time filling my own needs and plugging the drainholes created by others' unmet needs
is to do what I need to do to take care of myself, knowing I can't be of much help to anyone if I am slowly dying
is not to judge, but to seek understanding and acceptance
is to stop teach teaching helplessness by overprotecting and underestimating the ability of others
is to move from denial to acceptance; from feeling defensive to reflective
is to stop hurting, arguing and scolding the other and yourself
is to stop focussing on that which you wish would change, but which is out of your control
is to focus your thoughts on that which you can control: your own mind and attitude
is to stop wanting things to be different and to start making them different
is not to regret what was or wasn't, or what might have been, it is to learn, grow and prepare for the future
is to invest in yourself; to invest time and mental energy on your own mental and emotional health
is to pursue your own goals, dreams and plans while leaving all doors open to the future possibilities
is to let God
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Silent Suffering

Silence. Censure. Shhhh. Pain. Peace. Restraint. Unspoken.
My every thought is undermind by all the history inside.
Details: This is my most recent drawing. It's done with monolith shades and not pencil. This was the first time I tried monolith so the shadings and so on were a bit difficult and not as smooth as could have been. Ranges from HB to 9b.